What a Wonderful Name - Chapter 1 - Victqria (2024)



Oh, what a wonderful name.

As soon as Korra started morning preparations at the beginning of her shift, she would set aside some time to hand-write Asami’s name on her designated coffee cup. She came in every morning at 7:25, to the very minute. She’d never once been late. It was impressive, Korra could only dream of such tardiness. I mean seriously, how do you micromanage your time that efficiently?

They’d started their little mutual exchange 6 months ago. Korra had been minding her business, working her dreaded morning shift, when all of a sudden, this raven haired, 6-foot-tall beauty of a woman started coming in for her morning caffeine fix.

Asami had, quite literally, slithered her way into Korra’s subconscious and taken up a spot rent free in her brain for 6. Damn. Months. It was embarrassing how often Korra thought about her smile, or the way she laughed, or the crinkles in the corners of her eyes, or the— Okay, stop it. It’s only 6:20 in the morning. You can save the awkward pining for later.

She focused on setting up the cash register and ignored the sharp pounding in her head. Staying up late and consuming 4 energy drinks had seemed like an amazing idea at the time. Procrastinating writing up her forensic analysis report had come to kick her in the ass, even if she was certain the paper she’d submitted was at least passable. She’d hound Mako later and read over the report he had submitted to boost her self esteem. Doing the same criminology degree had its benefits.

As the clock ticked closer to 7:25, Korra’s energy gradually increased. The mere thought of seeing Asami set off her dopamine receptors. She finally broke off at 7:15 and retrieved Asami’s cup from its safe spot out back. She didn’t want Jinora accidentally using it for the wrong person. She’d written Asami’s name in cursive, sue her for not wanting the effort to go to waste.

“You should leave your number this time,” Jinora whispered into her ear as she slipped past to heat up a breakfast sandwich for a customer.

Korra wrinkled up her nose as she wiped the counter down for what felt like the hundredth time. “People that hot are generally straight, Jinora. Plus, I’d like to keep the fantasy a fantasy, no matter how delusional it is.” She slung the towel over her shoulder and leaned against the counter.

Jinora held the sandwich press down with a perked eyebrow. “I dunno, Kai got serious gay vibes from her.”

“He saw her one time,” Korra rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. “I do not trust his judgement.”

Jinora laughed. “C’mon, what’s the worst that can happen?”

Korra pulled the towel off her shoulder to idly wipe the coffee machine, anticipation vibrating her to the very core as she caught the time in the corner of her eye. 7:20, yes! “The world could crash and burn? Uh, I could scare her off and never see her again?” Korra listed off. She paused when she noticed a middle-aged man side-eyeing them and bit her tongue.

Jinora snorted at her antics and handed the breakfast sandwich over to said middle aged man. With a beaming smile in his direction, and a well-placed compliment, he regarded Jinora with a polite nod and bid his farewell. “You’re so doom and gloom. Have you not seen the way she looks at you?”

Korra scoffed, throwing her hands up in the air. “Like a normal person!” She groaned. “Can you go out back and get me another bottle of oat milk?”

Jinora turned to look at the clock and smirked. “You just don’t want me to be here when she comes in.” She winked at Korra as she made her exit.

Korra rubbed the back of her neck and tried not to blush at her own stupidity. In the grand scheme of things, being rejected by a beautiful lady was the least of her worries. Be real with yourself, the voice at the back of her head chirped, you are terrified of rejection. It’s why you’ve been single for… how long? She cringed outwardly.

“Ooof, rough morning?” A dazzling voice startled her out of her spiral.

And oh gosh. f*ck. Asami had her hair up this morning and a dark shade of red on her lips. Oh, and the low-cut blouse… Stop staring, creep. “Ha! Yeah, you could say that.” Korra hated how high her voice went. “Gotcha’ cup right here,” She put on her best lopsided grin. “We keepin’ it the same? Or are you feeling adventurous?” Why on earth are you speaking like that?

“The usual, thanks.” Asami mimicked her grin with a big one of her own and pulled out her card. “Aside from what I assume was a rude customer, how are you today?”

Korra tapped away on the POS system and then busied herself behind the coffee machine once the payment went through. “I stayed up pretty late working on an assignment, so I’m a little faded today.” She explained, stealing small glances as she worked. “What about you? You’re looking pretty snazzy.” She wanted to crawl under a rock and spend the rest of eternity hiding. Snazzy? “Aw, you do have bags under your eyes. I hope you get off early so you can get some rest,” She wrinkled up her nose at the compliment and shrugged her shoulders. “I’m good. I have an important meeting today. I’m a little nervous.”

Korra jutted out her lower lip in concentration as she frothed the milk. “I’m working a double, actually. What do they say? Sleep is for the weak?” She began to pour everything into the cup and carefully sealed the lid on top. “Hey, you’ll do great. Here,” She grabbed a pair of tiny tongs and pulled a marshmallow out of the small jar they had behind the counter. “A good luck marshmallow.” She set it on top of the lid and then slid the cup over.

Asami had the audacity to blush. With a smile so wide her cheeks dimpled, she grabbed the cup and held it over her heart. “You’re the best. Thanks, Korra. I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow. Get some sleep tonight, yeah?”

It wasn’t often Asami used her name. It was a rare treat. A reward, if you will. Korra hated how hard her heart was pounding in her ears. “I shell eagerly await your return,” She got out and matched Asami’s smile. “Have a good day, Asami.”

Asami blew her a kiss as she walked out the door. She blew a f*cking kiss! Korra choked on her own inhale once Asami was out of sight and face-palmed so hard it made a loud slapping sound.

“Oh, man, I saw that,” Jinora quipped from beside her, having suddenly manifested. “Do you need to take a break?”

Korra groaned. “Don’t patronise me,” She shifted her weight from foot to foot then huffed. “Yeah, actually, I need to slap some cold water over my face. I’ll be back in a couple minutes.”

Jinora snickered at her as she rounded the corner and darted towards the staff bathroom. If only she had the confidence to actually make a move.



Ugh. It was too early for someone to be so cheery. “Morning, Jinora,” She breathed out. “I thought Meelo was on today?”

Jinora wiggled the keys in her hand and unlocked the back door. “I swapped with him for some extra cash,” She pushed the door open and held it open for Korra. “Dad said he wants to talk to you when he comes in this afternoon.”

Korra yawned as she dumped her bag in the staff room. “Ugh, what does he want?”

“I dunno, could be about that raise you’re due for,” She tied her hair back and pulled her apron on. “Did you crash the second you got home?”

Korra rubbed her eyes and tied her apron around her waist. “I did, yeah. Mako called me at, like, 8pm wanting to talk about the assignment we just handed in, though. So, I was up until midnight going over some of the material our professor uploaded to our student portal,” She grabbed a sharpie and a cup from beside the register. “I hope it is a raise and not disciplinary action for that angry customer I served last week.”

Jinora snorted. “He was on your side, I doubt it,” She glanced over Korra’s shoulder and smirked. “You getting Asami’s cup all prettied up?”

“Shh, I’m working,” Korra muttered, carefully writing out Asami’s name. She added a little heart over the ‘i’ and grinned at her own artistry.

“Hey,” Jinora nudged her shoulder. “I dare you to put your number on the cup.”

Korra sent her a half-hearted glare as she capped the sharpie and set the cup down in its usual hiding spot. “That’s not gonna work. I never give in to peer pressure.” I mean, Bolin did manage to convince me to down an entire bottle of gin one time, but I was already half way through a 6 pack of beer.

“Ugh, you’re so boring,” Jinora passed her to go and set the register up. “What if I paid you? I’ll give you my entire check if you do it. I know you’re strapped for cash right now.”

Korra’s eyebrows pulled together as she brought out a tray of baked goods and began to put them in the display case. “Wait, seriously?”

“Uh, yeah! Would you do it?”

Korra regarded Jinora seriously for a moment and bit down on her lower lip. She was strapped for cash. She’d just forked out for a new laptop because her old one died. “Can I get this in writing?”

Jinora let out a small cheer and ripped a piece of paper off of the notepad under the till. “Heck yes!” She quickly wrote a ‘I hereby declare my next pay check is yours, my dearest Korra’ and signed it off. “Boom! Wanna shake on it?”

Korra tucked the piece of paper into her back pocket and begrudgingly shook Jinora’s hand. “If this spooks her and she never comes back—”

“Shut up, dork. I dibs being the flower girl at the wedding!”

Korra rolled her eyes as she focused on getting the storefront ready for the morning rush. Just before they flipped the sigh to ‘open’, she awkwardly wrote her number just under Asami’s name and signed it off with a little smiley face. Despite how awkward she felt, Asami hardly ever checked the cup whilst she was in the shop, so she was confident she wasn’t about to get a rejection in person.

Still, she felt sick to her stomach as she busied herself for the first part of the morning. When the clock started ticking closer towards 7:25, she excused herself to down an entire shot of espresso to calm her nerves. It did nothing, given her caffeine tolerance was so high, but hey, at least she tried.

She was in the middle of making another customer their order when the bell went off and a certain someone moved to wait in line. Korra refused to met her eye until she’d finished her current task. The longer she put it off, the less likely she was to splutter and give herself away.

“Have a great day, ma’am.” She chirped and sent a friendly smile.

The lady flashed her teeth before walking off. When Korra finally caught sight of Asami, she nearly tripped over her own feet. She was behind a counter, for crying out loud. “Asami!” She enthused despite the shake in her hands. “How did that meeting go?”

Asami looked as stunning as ever. Her hair was down this morning and she went for a more natural make-up look that really made her eyes pop. “You remembered,” She said with a little smile. “It was… an experience, to say the least. The guy was super hard to read. I think we made a deal, though. Did you get some rest? You look considerably less tired this morning.”

Korra cleared her throat. “Of course,” Before she could think it through, she blurted out, “You’re the highlight of my morning. Kinda hard to forget our interactions. I, um, crashed the moment I got home.” She ignored the heat rising to her cheeks. “Good luck marshmallow came in clutch!” She nodded towards the coffee machine. “The usual?”

Asami tilted her head curiously before nodding. “Yeah, thanks.” She came closer to the eftpos machine and paid once prompted. “You said you submitted an assignment; do you go to the university here?”

Korra hid the side of the cup that had Asami’s name and her number and began to make Asami’s order. “I do,” She replied, refusing to meet Asami’s gaze. “I’m a year out from finishing my degree.”

Asami nodded along and remained quiet until Korra handed over her cup. Again, she made sure the writing was facing away from Asami’s wondering eyes. “What do you study, if you don’t mind me asking?”

“Oh, um, criminology.” She flashed a grin and wiped her very clammy hands on her apron. “I’ll see ya’ when I’m in next. I have tomorrow off. Enjoy your day, Asami.”

Asami rewarded her with a big, dreamy smile. “You too, Korra. Enjoy your day off.” She lifted her hand and waved as she made her way out the door.

Once she was finally out of sight, Korra blew out a big breath and rubbed her hands over her face. Whelp, at least she was getting a big pay check out of this. She just had to distract herself for the rest of the day and hide her phone so she didn’t impulsively check it every 5 minutes.

Jinora jumped out from behind the wall and shook Korra’s shoulder. “Did you do it?!”

Korra huffed, shoving her hands away. “Yes,” She made a loud grumbling sound. “You’re responsible for any emotional turmoil.”

The rest of the morning went without a hitch. When the afternoon rolled around and Tenzin came in, Korra followed him into the staff break room and took a seat beside him. He pulled out a tablet and then set it on the table. “I’m not going to beat around the bush, Korra. We’re really grateful you’ve come in whenever one of the kids couldn’t make it. Here’s the proposed raise, want to read through it?”

Korra took the tablet and brought it up to her face. There was a lot of cooperate mumbo jumbo that went completely over her heard, but when her eyes settled on the proposed rate increase, she gasped. “Holy sh*t, you want to give me a 5 dollar raise?!”

Tenzin chuckled at her language and nodded. “You’ve earned it, Korra.”

“Wow,” Korra exhaled, blinking back her surprise. “Man, you’re the best. I don’t know what to say. Thank you, Tenzin.”

“The raise comes with a new badge, too.” He pulled a pin out of his pocket and put it on the table.

Korra gaped and set the tablet down to inspect the badge. “Wait,” She felt a lump forming at the back of her throat. “Is this secretly a promotion? This says manager!”

“Sure is. You’re already acting like one, might as well give you the official title.” One of his rare smiles graced his features. “I’ll email you the contract so you can read over it at home. I need it signed by the end of the week.”

Korra nodded eagerly and clipped the pin on her apron, right next to her name badge. “Okay, cool. Anything else?”

“No. You’re free to go back to work. You’re only on for another hour, correct?”

“Yeah. I have a study date with Mako and Bolin on campus and they’ll kill me if I’m late.” She got to her feet when Tenzin got to his. “Thank you, seriously.”

Tenzin dipped his head, a sign of utmost respect. “You’re welcome, Korra. Enjoy your study preparations.”

Despite the fact they where basically family, Korra always felt a tad out of her depth when it came to separating work life with personal life. At the last second, she scooped him up in a hug before releasing and dashing off to go help Jinora behind the counter.

It wasn’t until she’d finished her shift and she went to grab her phone to text the group chat that the world stopped spinning and she got a serious case of the jitters. Asami had texted her. Asami had texted her!

No name [10:34am]:
Hey, Asami here. I’m going to take a wild guess and assume this is Korra, right?

Korra stared at her phone screen and snapped her mouth shut. What do I reply?? Do I try and seem casual? Gosh, how the f*ck am I meant to be casual when I wasn’t even expecting a message?? She typed and deleted several messages before eventually settling on something simple.

Korra [3:07pm]:
You would be correct!:)

Immediately 3 little dots appeared at the bottom of the screen.

Asami [3:08pm]:
How did your shift go?

Korra pulled her jacket on and shrugged her bag over her shoulder, still gawking at her screen. She waved to Jinora as she headed out the back door and leaned up against the side of the building as she fumbled over what to reply.

Korra [3:11pm]:
It was pretty mundane. I got a promotion though!

She cringed at how normal she sounded and quickly sent a follow up.

Korra [3:12pm]:
How long did it take for you to notice my number on the cup? Haha

She quickly messaged the group chat, informing them she was on her way, and tucked her phone into her pocket, remembering she was on a bit of a time crunch. She started off towards campus, figuring it was best not to seem too keen. Okay, but like, do normal rules apply in this situation? When she arrived close to 3:40, she found Mako and Bolin sitting at the back of the library and dropped her bag right on the table.

“I got a promotion!” She loud whispered.

Bolin jumped to his feet and wrapped his arms around her body. “No way!” He loud whispered right back. “That’s amazing!” He let her body go and grinned at her. “Did you get a big raise?”

Korra took a seat beside Mako and nodded. “A whole 5 dollars extra an hour! I wasn’t expecting it.” She pulled out her laptop and set it up on the table. “Wanna go out to celebrate this weekend?”

Mako bumped her shoulder with his own. “Nice one, Korra.” He returned his attention to his laptop. “I think one of Bolin’s friends is hosting a party. We could crash it?”

Bolin nodded his head. “Yup! Opal is meant to be there.”

Korra snorted and quickly covered her mouth when someone glared at their table. “I’m down. It’d be nice to finally put a face to the name.”

The weight of her phone was heavy in her pocket as she tried her best to concentrate on reading through her lecture material. After trying, and failing, to make sense of the group project they’d been assigned for their next block, she pulled it out and tried to hide her grin.

Asami [3:20pm]:
No way! That’s awesome! I’m so happy for you! Did you get a nice raise?

Asami [3:23pm]:
I literally had *just* put my cup down on my desk when I noticed it! I contemplated messaging you earlier but freaked out a little.

Asami [3:30pm]:
I’ll be real with you, Korra. I don’t know what I’m doing. It’s been *so* long since someone gave me their number. Did you want to maybe grab a bite to eat some time?

She wanted to fist pump the air. Mako noticed her leg bouncing up and down and glanced over at her phone.

“Oooh, who’s Asami?”

Korra wrinkled up her nose. “Don’t worry about it,” She tilted her body away from him and typed out her reply.

Korra [3:55pm]:
I did get a raise! I’m really excited.

Korra [3:55pm]:
A bite to eat sounds good. I would suggest coffee but I already make you yours ;) Sorry, that was terrible. I don’t know what I’m doing either. Um, what are you doing this weekend? I know a place that does the best noodles.

Korra was impressed, the second she’d sent it, Asami started typing out a reply. Okay, maybe the ‘don’t seem to keen’ rule didn’t apply here. If Asami was this responsive, Korra had no excuse to play coy.

Asami [3:56pm]:
That was really cute haha. I’m free Friday night. I have a thing on Saturday and need a day to recover on Sunday. If you send me through the details I’ll block it in my calendar.

Korra [3:59pm]:
You’re cute:) Okay. I’ll get back to you later. I have a study date rn. See ya!

She sent it with a wince. She brought her index finger up to her mouth and bit down on her knuckle in embarrassment. Gosh, that was terrible.

Asami [4:02pm]:
Enjoy your study date! x

Okay, well, it could have been worse. She even got a ‘x’ at the end of the message, so she must have done something right.

“Seriously, Korra, who’s Asami?” Mako pestered, nudging her with his elbow.

Korra smirked and locked her phone. “Someone I have a date with on Friday.”

“Oh my gosh, is it the Asami that Jinora told me about?” Bolin chimed in, leaning over the table. “The really pretty tall one?”

Korra wrinkled up her nose. “Yes, that one,” There was no use denying it. “When did Jinora tell you?!”

Bolin wiggled his eyebrows and zipped his fingers over his lips in a ‘her secret is safe with me’ type of way. With a huff, Korra went back to work.


Korra [7:34pm]:
Asami and I are going on a date on Friday night!!!

Jinora [7:40pm]:
No f*cking way!!! I told you she was into you!!!!

Korra laughed at her phone. It wasn’t often Jinora swore.

Korra [7:44pm]:
I expect payment next week.

Jinora [7:49pm]:
Lol fair. I’ll send it through on pay day. Congrats on the promo btw!!

Korra flopped down on her bed and blew out a big breath. After silently mulling over her schedule in her head, she brought up Asami’s contact and stared at their messages for several minutes. They’d done a simple ‘here’s the place, here’s the time, see you then’ type exchange but she was craving chaos.

Korra [8:01pm]:
What’s your favourite colour?

She got a reply almost immediately.

Asami [8:08pm]:
Aren’t you meant to save those questions for the first date?

Korra [8:10pm]:
Probably. Don’t know what I’m doing, remember?

Asami [8:13pm]:
It's blue. Not bright blue or baby blue, like… a deep emerald blue. Like a gemstone. What’s yours?

Interesting. Korra let her fingers hover over her keyboard for several minutes before she typed up her reply.

Korra [8:17pm]:
Funny, my favourite is blue too. Blue like the ocean, though. What’s your favourite animal?

Asami [8:20pm]:
Hm, good question. I adore cats. What about you?

Korra [8:22pm]:
Dogs. I have a dog called Naga. I like cats, though! We had one when I was younger. I don’t remember her a lot because she passed away when I was like 3 but my mom and dad have a bunch of photos.

Asami [8:25pm]:
Aww! Naga is a cute name. What breed? I have a kitty that lives in my apartment with me. I got her 2 years ago. She’s a complete goof ball. What’s your go-to movie?

Korra [8:27pm]:
[image attached]
This is Naga! She’s a husky. She lives with my parents right now while I’m studying in Republic City. What did you name your cat? Uh, probably Kyoshi Warriors. The cartoon, not the live action. We don’t talk about the live action.

Asami [8:30pm]:
Oh my gosh! What a sweetheart! This is Suki.
[image attached]
She’s a dumpster cat. I heard crying in an alleyway when I was walking towards my car and took her home. She was 3 weeks old. 3 weeks! I nursed her back to health. She comes into work with me sometimes. I had to hand-feed her in my office for a couple weeks so she’s completely harness trained! I found out that girl ginger cats are really rare. The vets where so surprised she was a girl!

Asami [8:31pm]:
Sorry for rambling. Haha. I love her. Isn’t Kyoshi Warriors that kid’s cartoon? Sorry if that’s insensitive. Not judging! You know those ‘how it was made’ documentaries? I’m obsessed with them.

The picture Asami sent was a selfie with a small orange cat on her shoulder, nuzzling her head. It was adorable.

Korra [8:34pm]:
Don’t apologise! That’s quite the story! She’s one lucky cat! We got Naga when I was 14! She was dumped on the side of the road as a puppy. The rescue said she’d been in the shelter for a month. As soon as I saw her, I knew she was my forever friend. Kyoshi Warrior’s *is* a kids cartoon haha it has a special place in my heart. Oh! I see those videos online all the time! What’s your favourite flavoured candy?

Asami [8:39pm]:
[image attached]
Here's one of when she was a kitten! Poor Naga, it makes my heart hurt knowing people are so cruel. I’m glad she found her forever human! Is it worth watching as an adult? Is it one of those timeless cartoons that our parents tell us about as kids? Haha.
[insert link]
This is one is how an engine is made!

Strawberry or Cherry. What’s your go-to sport?

The photo was of a tiny fluff ball curled into the palm of Asami’s hand. Korra tried not to stare at Asami’s fingers. There was something so inherently gay about a woman’s hands that Korra would never be able to decipher. She spent the next 20 minutes watching the video that Asami sent.

Korra [9:10pm]:
That is one cute lil cat. Does she know how to do tricks? My friend from high school had a cat that could roll over and beg lol and yes!!! It’s so so good. I have all the DVDs so I could totally lend them to you if you wanted!
[image attached] (This photo is of a tiny Korra hugging a baby Naga)
This is naga as a puppy!

Are you into, like, cars and stuff? That was a cool video! I had no idea engines had so many parts. I mean, I knew they had parts but I didn’t think they worked together like that lol I am a swimmer! What’s yours?

Asami [9:15pm]:
Yes! She does! She can sit like a little t-rex and meows on command. My friend helped me train her! Wow, you were a cute kid! You two look like soulmates. I’d be down to borrow those DVDs if you promise to watch them with me? x

I am an engineer so yes I am into cars and stuff haha. Swimming? Wow! I never would have guessed. I played softball when I was in high school. I had no idea it was a gay sport until *after* I stopped playing.

Korra was grinning at her phone like an idiot.

Korra [9:20pm]:
That’s impressive! How do you even train a cat to meow on command? I think I could set aside some time to forcefully make another human obsess over Kyoshi Warriors.

Wow so you’re not just super pretty, you’re also like super smart? ;)

Ugh, that sounded better in my head.

I’ll be honest, I thought you were straight. My co-worker convinced me to leave my number and I totally expected you to tell me you had a boyfriend or something.

Asami [9:23pm]:
Lots of treats and positive reinforcement haha helps that my friend is an animal specialist. Or at least she’s training to be one! Well, if this date of ours goes well, I *suppose* I could subject myself to a marathon.

Hey, that was smooth! x

Oof. Do I really give off that vibe? well, I *have* had boyfriends but I also swing for the same team. Bisexuality for the win!!

Can I tell you a secret?

Korra’s heart was thumping so fast she thought it might burrow out of her chest.

Korra [9:25pm]:
I’m bisexual too!! No way!! Man, my gaydar is super off lol

Yeah, shoot.

Asami [9:26pm]:
I was going to leave you my number a month ago but I chickened out.

Korra’s mouth fell open.

Korra [9:27pm]:
No way. Really?

Asami [9:28pm]:

Korra [9:29pm]:
Your secret is safe with me.

Asami [9:30pm]:
Phew. Good. I’m excited for Friday.

Korra [9:32pm]:
Me too. Can I tell you a secret?

Asami [9:33pm]:
Go for it!

Korra [9:35pm]:
I haven’t been on a date in 2 years. I’m a little rusty. Promise not to laugh if I start stuttering?

Asami [9:36pm]:
Darling, I haven’t been on a date in 4 years. You’re good. I won’t laugh. I will, however, judge you heavily if you ghost me.

Korra [9:39pm]:
No ghosting. Got it. Anything else I should be aware of?

Asami [9:40pm]:
If you snob me I will be forced to take legal action.

Korra [9:41pm]:
Damn, alright. No snobbing, no ghosting. Would you kill me if I used a pick-up line on you? They’re kinda my thing.

Asami [9:43pm]:
Hm, are they good pick-up-lines?

Korra [9:45pm]:

Asami [9:46pm]:
I suppose I can spare you. Hey, I gotta go. It’s already past my bedtime. It’s been really nice talking with you, Korra. Have a good day off tomorrow x

Korra [9:47pm]:
Night! Sweet dreams! Thanks for humouring me. Don’t work too hard! X

Asami [9:48pm]:
Ha, I’ll try. Night!

Korra slowly locked her phone and pushed herself up. She dangled her legs over the edge of her bed and tried to wipe the goofy, dumb grin off her face. Go and shower, idiot.She grabbed the towel hanging on the back of her door and wandered through her flat, passing Mako and Bolin in the lounge.

“Hey! Don’t use all the hot water!” Bolin called out. “Where have you been, by the way? We called out to you ages ago.”

Korra coughed and kept walking. “I was studying,” She lied, then ducked into the bathroom.


She hoped dressing casual was okay. They hadn’t specified the dress code through text when they organised the date. She’d put in some effort, she wasn’t that bad, but she was still only wearing high-waisted black jeans as a blue plaid button up. She started to doubt herself as she wondered up to the front of Narook’s. Ugh, I should have just worn the dress pants like Bolin suggested. In saying that, taking fashion advice from a boy that exclusively wore black shirts and blue jeans wasn’t high on her priority list.

She ran a hand through her hair and awkwardly kicked a rock on the side of the street as she waited. She was early, comically early. She was never early. She’d panicked and decided that turning up 30 minutes before hand was better than letting public transport tempt fate.

“Hey, Korra, right?”

Korra whipped around at the sound of her name and nearly tripped over a crack in the pavement in the process. “That’s me!” She blurted out, a little taken back by what Asami was wearing. “Wow, you look…” Asami was wearing grey dress pants and a red turtle neck that made her jaw look even sharper, if that were possible. The purple eyeshadow really made the green in her eyes sparkle. “Wow.” She settled on and awkwardly laughed. “Sorry, um, hi?”

Asami grinned at her antics. “Hi,” She offered and nodded at the big neon ‘Narook’s’ sign in the window. “Best noodles, huh?”

“Yeah!” Korra regained some sense of self. “They do the best southern food. I’m from the southern water tribe, you see, so it’s hard to find places that make my favourite childhood dishes. I come here all the time, sometimes several times in one day!” She caught herself rambling and cringed inwardly. “C’mon, I’ll let the food speak for itself.” She moved to the door and held it open. “After you.”

Asami sent her a smile so wide Korra was momentarily dumbstruck as she walked in. She entered right after and walked right up to the front desk. A little old lady came out when she heard the door bell go off and beamed when she saw Korra standing there.

“Korra! Dear!” She waddled around the counter and set a hand on Korra’s arm. “We haven’t seen you in a couple days. Are you ill?”

Korra laughed and shook her head. “I’ve been busy, Ena. School has been kicking my butt,” She covered Ena’s hand and squeezed it. “I called ahead yesterday. A table for two?”

Ena seemed to notice Asami in that moment and flashed her a toothy grin. “I see,” She patted Korra’s arm and then motioned for her to follow. “Come with me, deary.” Both of them followed and stopped at a table tucked away in the very back of the establishment. “I will be back to take your orders shortly. Water?”

Korra pulled out Asami’s seat for her and gestured for her to sit down. “Water would be great, Ena. Thanks.”

Ena nodded and walked off. Asami, with a slight blush on her cheeks, took a seat and shuffled it in. “Do you have any recommendations?”

Korra sat opposite her and grabbed the menu. “How familiar are you with southern food?”

“Not very, but I’ll try anything.”

“Oh! Cool! You’re in for a treat, then. Obviously, the seaweed noodles are the best. They also do sea prune stew and five flavour soup for appetisers that are really close to the stuff my mom makes,” She skimmed the menu and then set it down. “If you want something light, though, I’d probably go for the steamed dumplings. The stew is really filling, even for an appetiser.”

Asami pulled out a set of glasses from her purse and put them on. Korra thought they made her look super cute. “Damn, you really do come here a lot then, huh?” She rose a playful eyebrow and smiled. “What would you usually order?”

“Uh, there’s this blood soup that I’d kill for. It’s an acquired taste, though, so I wouldn’t be offended if you didn’t want to try it,” She leaned back when Ena came over and set a jug of water down in the centre of the table. “Thanks, Ena. Do you guys have any seaweed cookies?”

Ena perked up. “For you, yes. I’ll pack you a container to take with you when you’re ready to leave. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes to take your orders.” She winked at Korra before she walked back off.

Korra preened at the mere idea of seaweed cookies she could eat in bed later. “Sorry, she’s like my gran-gran. I’ve known her for years.”

Asami shook her head. “No, no, don’t be sorry. It’s really sweet. I might go for the sea prune stew for the appetiser. You’ve sold me on it.”

Korra sent a big grin. “You’ll love it. It’s like the perfect mix between sweet and sour.” She filled two glasses of water and lifted one to her lips. “How’s Suki today?”

Asami wrinkled up her nose and pulled her glasses of her frame. “She’s not very happy with me. I told her that I was going on a date, you see, and she threw a fit because I wasn’t going to be able to lounge around on the couch with her,” She put her glasses back in their case and tucked it back into her purse. “What did you get up to on your day off?”

Korra threw her head back and laughed. “Sorry, I brought something for her, hold on,” She grabbed her saddle bag and pulled out a small pouch of catnip. “I hope it’s not weird. I wanted to leave a good impression. I know Naga would be extremely unhappy with me if I ditched her to go on a date,” She passed it over. There was an unreadable expression on Asami’s face as she took the pouch and inspected it. “It’s meant to be the good stuff. The person at the pet shop told me her cats loved it.”

“That’s… so thoughtful,” Asami breathed out, looking up to send Korra a shy smile. “Thank you. Are you trying to get her to associate me going out with you with cat nip?”

Korra shrugged her shoulders haphazardly and grinned. “Positive reinforcement, right?”

Asami laughed and man, it was such a magical sound. “Seriously, though, thank you. She loves cat nip.”

“No worries. I, uh, spent most of my day off going over our next assignment. It’s a dreaded group project. Our professor pre-assigned us groups, too, so I don’t even get to chose who I do it with,” She huffed. “But I got to sleep in. So that was a win.” She felt the awkward flush creeping up her neck and tried to will it away.

“You’re not a morning person then?” Asami asked, playfully wiggling her eyebrows.

“Ugh, no. Mornings are evil,” She shuddered. “Are you?”

“I have to be. I’m up at 5am most mornings.” Asami’s whole face scrunched up. “I had to condition myself to somewhat enjoy them. Perspective, or whatever.”

Before Korra could reply, Ena snuck up with her little note pad. “What are we having, ladies?”

“Can I get a small portion of blood soup with some kelp bread for my appetiser? And the seaweed noodles for the main?”

“Yup. What about you, dear?”

“Sea prune stew for the appetiser and the seaweed noodles for the main.”

With a nod and a wave, Ena went to go rely their order to the chef.

“What time do you start work if you’re up at 5am?” Korra enquired once she was gone.

“I start at 8, typically. I get up early to go for a morning run and gloss over my lecture slides. If I don’t find time for it in the mornings, I forget at night.” Asami explained, taking a sip of water.

“Oh! You work and study? Like, part time?”

“Ha, I wish. No, I study part time and work full time,” Asami shrugged. “It’s not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure.”

“Wow,” Korra whistled. “What do you do for work? Are you studying, um, what was it? Engineering?”

There was a distinctive twinkle in Asami’s eyes. “I finished my engineering stuff ages ago. I study business part time. I, um, work for a big automotive company.” She pursed her lips. “You’re quite perceptive. You study criminology, right?”

Damn, it made sense that Asami worked for a company that specialised in cars. Korra probably could have guessed that. “That’s so cool. Do you enjoy it? I’m assuming you’re an engineer then, right?” She nodded. “I do. Me and my friend Mako are both doing the same degree. I should be finished next year. Not sure what I’ll specialise in, before you ask. I’m sorta letting the universe decide for me.”

“I was an engineer. I got a promotion about… 2 years ago? I work in an office now, unfortunately.” Asami rested both elbows on the table and leaned forward, squinting her eyes. “I could see you as a detective. All you need is a trench coat and a hat and you’d look the part.”

Korra rose an eyebrow. “So… you’re studying business part time… and work in an office? You some sort of… I don’t know, marketing expert?” She wrinkled up her nose. “Mako literally told me the same thing. I dunno, I like the social development stuff. I nailed all of our sociology blocks. I could see myself working with youth. I just… I don’t know.” She sighed, shaking her head. “I get all worked up when I have to be decisive. I don’t want to feel trapped; you know?”

Asami’s expression softened. “Marketing is one part of my job, yes.” She bit down on her lower lip and relaxed back in her seat. “I get that. I really do. You thought about taking a gap year once you’ve finished studying to let loose and see the world?”

Korra brightened and nodded. “I have. I really want to go to the northern air temple. Someone close to me has ancestry there. I’d love to explore the Earth Kingdom as a whole, too. Republic City is such a small part of the bigger picture. Have you travelled?”

“I travel a lot for my job,” Asami admitted. “When I was little, my father took me all around the globe. The western air temple is magical. If you ever get the chance, Serpents Pass is outer-worldly. I really enjoyed my trek over the strip. It’s rough on the legs but totally worth it for the view.”

Well-educated, well-travelled, and pretty. Wow. “Damn,” She blew out a breath. “You ever been to Kyoshi island?”

Asami nodded. “I have. It’s beautiful. I’m gonna assume your curiosity stems from this cartoon of yours?”

“Pft,” Korra tried to look innocent. “No…” She kept up the act for a couple of seconds before breaking and laughing. “You familiar with the Kyoshi mythology?”

Asami took a sip of water. “Nope. I’d love to hear about it, though.”

“Oh! Man, okay, well…” Korra cracked her knuckles. “There’s Kyoshi, Roku, Yangchen… and, um, oh! Kuruk! They’re the four entities. Kyoshi was all about justice, Roku was about… something, Yangchen was spiritual awareness, and Kuruk was all about change. There are annual celebrations in each respective corner of the world. Kyoshi in the Earth Kingdom, Roku in the Fire Nation, Yangchen at the Air Temples, and Kuruk in each Water Tribe. Kuruk’s celebration got migrated into the spirit festival, though. Kyoshi was the only one that got a show. We don’t talk about the live action remake they did, that was offensive,” She gushed, gesturing with her hands as she spoke. “Each legend suggests they were actually all the same people, just reincarnated in a different time period. They all existed before harmonic convergence, I think?”

Asami listened with rapid attention. “Harmonic convergence?”

Korra perked up. “Do you know about the thousand-year war between Vaatu and Raava?”

“Sorta. They’re stories, right?”

“Yeah. Mythology does have its truth if you read between the lines, though.” Korra paused to catch her breath. “Raava is the spirit of light, Vaatu is the spirit of darkness. They fought for a thousand years before a human called Wan intervened. Raava ended up needing to merge with Wan to defeat Vaatu and lock him away for another thousand years. Harmonic convergence allowed Raava to fuse with Wan, and thus, the cycle of the Avatar was born. Kyoshi, Roku, Yangchen, and Kuruk where the last ones before the last harmonic convergence. There are debates about why the cycle ended, and why these entities left the human world, but it all dwindles down to human’s messing things up.”

“Is this a special interest of yours?”

Korra hummed, nodding. “I was really into the mythology as a kid.” She opened her mouth to say more, only Ena interrupted and set their bowls down in front of them. With a small bow, she left without another word. “Sorry, I could ramble on about this stuff for ages.”

“I think it’s really cute,” Asami said, pouting. “You have a really soothing voice. I could listen to you talk for hours.”

Korra blushed hard. “Oh,” She picked up her spoon and tried not to make a face. “Let me know what you think of the stew.”

Asami was polite enough not to comment on Korra’s blush and dug in. They ate in relative silence, making occasional comments about the flavours. Korra hadn’t been on a date in years, sure, but she couldn’t remember ever feeling this at ease. Asami was insanely easy to speak with. Whatever Korra had to say, Asami listened, encouraging further elaboration with small questions to show she was engaged. They talked all they way through the main course, only pausing to take small sips of water.

“You said you played softball. When did you learn it was a gay sport?” Korra asked, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. “Did you, you know, have a crush on your team mates?”

Asami groaned and covered her face. “I wasn’t out at the time. I learnt about it being gay when I started uni. Looking back, it should have been obvious. We had this catcher that had this amazing ass. I remember fondly admiring it and daydreaming about her in class. I never evaluated my feelings, like an idiot, and didn’t have a sexuality crisis until my first year of uni. I then went crazy. My friend pushed me towards dating apps and, well, the rest is history.” She laughed for good measure. “You swim, right? How’d you get into that? Is that… gay?”

Korra gave Asami her full attention as she spoke and found herself admiring the little dimples that appeared when her lips tugged at the corners. “How old are you? You finished a degree, you’re working some high-ranking office job, and you’re awfully wise. You don’t seem like you’re around my age… You’ve either got a sh*t ton of trauma that’s aged you beyond your years or you’re an old soul that’s inhabiting a young body. Which is it?”

Asami blinked, studying Korra closely. “I’m 27. How old are you?”

“What?! No way! I’m 26! What’s the tragic backstory?”

Asami bit down on her lower lip and sighed. “Tell me about swimming first.”

“I was born in water, I grew up in water, I swam my way towards a scholarship. Um, it’s not inherently gay, but I know a lot of gay folk turn up to the events on campus to check out us out when we compete.” She leaned forward and flashed a goofy grin. “Who hurt you?”

Asami’s lips pressed into a firm line as she held Korra’s gaze. “Is this a criminology thing? Being able to just… read people?”

Korra shrugged her shoulders. “Sorta. Have to evaluate human behaviour a lot. Linking intent and motive, that kinda stuff. I hope I’m not being insensitive; I promise I’m just being an idiot—”

“No, you’re fine. I just, um, I’m not used to being… seen. I guess.” She glanced down into her lap and furrowed her eyebrows several times. It looked like she was weighing up the pros and cons of saying something. “My mom died when I was little. My dad died 2 years ago. I suppose… dealing with that, and stepping into a position I never envisioned for myself, aged me a lot. I work with a bunch of old men that have rubbed off on me too, so there’s that. Gotta be firm with them so I’m not treated like a little girl. I’m… hm, I’m not… damaged goods, even though it sounds like it. I’m… I’m just a little rough around the edges.”

Korra frowned. This is what you get for trying to be a smart ass, she told herself, you make people uncomfortable. “Hey, I think you’re amazing. I was only kidding. I’m sorry that you’ve had to deal with so much loss. I couldn’t imagine my life without my parents. You’re really strong for pushing through despite the hardship.” She pursed her lips and narrowed her eyes. “I don’t see any grey hairs; you’re going pretty good for someone that’s been through the trenches.”

Asami’s whole face twisted up. “There’s been a few, I just pluck them out and pretend like they don’t exist.” She chuckled, dabbing her mouth. “So… you’re good at swimming then?”

Korra nodded, taking a sip of water. “Oh yeah. I was really competitive when I first started uni. I stopped being such a hard ass about it when I realised it wasn’t something I wanted to do seriously. I still do it, but, um, I do it for me, you know?”

Asami regarded her curiously. “You’re such a free spirit,” The corners of her mouth twitched. “What’s that like? Simply just… floating around without a care in the world?”

Korra actually paused and leaned back in her seat. “Huh,” A series of different expressions crossed over her face. “I… Hm,” That was a fantastic question. “I do care. I really do. I just… I stopped caring about how everyone else perceived me.”

Asami tilted her head. “You’re fascinating,” She clasped her hands in her lap. “I enjoy you, Korra. You’re… different.”

“Um, so… ‘not like other girls’ different or… ‘you’re really dumb and I envy how oblivious you are’ different?”

Asami laughed, shaking her head. “Gosh, you’re funny. You got that pick-up-line for me?”

Korra straightened her posture and grinned. “I have one, but we need to be outside for it to work.”

Asami raised both eyebrows. “Oh?”

“Mhm,” She wiggled her eyebrows. “I’ll go and pay then I can take you outside and blow your mind.”

Asami held out a hand, frowning. “You don’t need to pay for me, seriously, I—”

“I got it, Asami. It’s no bother,” She got up before Asami could stop her and pulled her wallet out of her saddle bag. “I get a discount because I’m here so often.” She rushed up to the counter and dinged the bell. Ena came out from around the corner and grinned at her.

After paying, and Ena shoving a big container of seaweed cookies into her hands, she returned back to the table and tucked her wallet, and the container, into her bag. “Okay, do you need to use the restroom before we head out?”

Asami shook her head and stood up. “I’m paying next time, just so you’re aware.”

“Oh,” Korra found herself smirking. “Next time, huh?”

“Depends how bad this pick-up-line is.”

Korra bobbed her head from side to side and continued smirking as she led them out of the building. She held out her arm and nudged Asami’s elbow when they got outside. “Buckle up, I’m about to take you for a wild ride.”

Asami laughed at her antics and looped their arms together. “Where are you taking me?”

Korra checked the road before tugging Asami along. “For safety reasons, the park. Because I’m trying to be mysterious, pretend you’re shocked when we get there.”

Asami continued to laugh and played along. “Are you always this… I don’t know, goofy?”

Korra shrugged her shoulders as she led them along the street. “Pretty much. I was putting on a façade with you at work so you kept coming in. Didn’t want to spook you.”

Asami patted her arm. “Had I known you’d be this, uh, spontaneous? I probably would have slipped you my number ages ago.”

Korra gasped dramatically and laughed. “Are you saying you’re into spontaneousness?”

“It works with you. I feel like if it was anyone else, I’d be completely put off.”

Korra took that as a win and slowed down as they approached harmony park. “Alright, we’re almost there.” She tugged Asami towards the turtle-duck pond and walked them over the bridge, stopping right in the middle. “Okay,” She dropped Asami’s arm and moved to stand in front of her. “May I have your hands, my lady?”

Asami had a somewhat permanent smile on her face. She held out her hands and squeezed Korra’s hands when she grasped them. “I can’t believe we’re in the park,” She said, winking. “Such a romantic part of the city.”

“I know, I’m a mastermind,” Korra cleared her throat and looked at their joint hands. She amped herself up mentally for several long moments then met Asami’s confused gaze. “Can you see the stars?”

Asami looked up at the sky and slowly nodded her head. “Yeah?”

“I can’t,” Korra waited for Asami to look at her. “I swear someone stole them and put them in your eyes.”

The expression on Asami’s face was priceless. It was a mix of bewilderment and apprehension. She kept staring at Korra for what felt like an eternity. Eventually, she croaked out a quiet, “That was really good.”

Korra let her signature lopsided smile spread over her face. “Want another one? It won’t be as good, I’m afraid, but it might make you smile.”

Asami swallowed hard and nodded.

Wordlessly, Korra drew in a deep breath and preyed to all the spirits this came out the right way. “Want to get out of here and find some fresh air?”

Asami tilted her head and rose an eyebrow. “What?”

Korra stepped in and brought one of Asami’s hands to her lips. “Because you’ve just taken my breath away.”

Asami opened her mouth and gawked at her like a fish out of water. The laugh that came out of her mouth was infectious. “I’m so used to men with their stupid pick-up-lines that I totally expected you to be all sleezy,” Her eyes flickered all over Korra’s face. “I… I don’t know what to say.”

“I’ll take speechlessness as a good thing,” Korra said with a wink. Where the f*ck is this confidence coming from? “One more for the road? Then I’ll let you go? I can make it sleezy?”

Asami, still holding her hands, beamed. “Go on, try me.”

“I’m jealous of your heart, want to know why?” Korra began, swallowing the nerves tickling the back of her throat. When Asami rose an eyebrow in challenge, Korra dropped her voice and said, with as much swagger as possible, “Because it’s pounding inside of you and I’m not.”

Asami’s lips parted as she let that entire sentence sink in. Korra thought she saw… something flash in Asami’s eyes. She didn’t get to dwell on it, fortunately, because Asami pulled her in and wrapped her arms around her neck. “You know…” She hummed, tucking her face into Korra’s shoulder. “I should be extremely put off right now,” She grinned, squeezing Korra’s body. “You’re… something special, that’s for sure. No one I know could have pulled that off.”

Korra hated how shallow her breathing was. Asami smelt so good. Smart, pretty, well-travelled, well-educated, and smells like a freaking florist. Who is this woman? She gave Asami’s waist a firm squeeze and waited for Asami to step back. “So… what’s the verdict? You wanna hang out with me again some time?”

Asami swayed backwards on the balls of her feet and pursed her lips. “Mm, I want to tease you and say no…” She worried her lower lip between her teeth. “But I’d love to see you again. You’re… a breath of fresh air.”

Korra found herself blushing and smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. “f*ck yeah!” She pumped her fist in the air. “I mean— Phew!” She laughed and tucked her hands into her pockets. “Okay, well, I’ll… text you? Wait, I dragged you all the way out here. Do you want me to walk you to your car? You drove, right?”

Asami scrunched up her whole face at Korra’s little outburst and bit back a laugh. “I drove, yes. If you’re offering, I won’t turn it down.”

“Okay, cool,” Korra let Asami lead the way this time and walked beside her. “Think you’ll be a regular at Narook’s now?”

Asami bumped Korra’s shoulder with her own. “For sure. Beside the food, what do you miss most about home?”

“Oh, uh, the weather. Republic City is too warm. I’m sweating bullets right now. I typically wear short sleeved shirts all year round.” Korra awkwardly cleared her throat. “My parents, too. I miss them a lot. My dog… Naga and I were inseparable.”

“Why didn’t she move here with you? Why did you move here?”

“It’s a long story. I was an angry teenager that got sent to live with a family friend. I couldn’t look after Naga and focus on studying at the same time. It wasn’t fair to her.” Korra frowned a little. “I miss the company. Having someone— something to focus all my energy on. When I finish studying and move into my own apartment, she’s gonna come live with me again. That was the compromise I made with my parents.”

Asami sent her a soft smile. “That’s sweet,” She came to a stop beside what looked like brand-spanking-new Sato hatchback. Korra wasn’t all that great with cars, but she knew what the latest SatoMobile looked like. Mako was an enthusiast. He was shoving photos in her face all the time. “This is me.”

“Dude, this is sick. Is this the new model?” Korra quipped, shifting to stand in front of the car head-on to admire the curves. “I literally can’t drive, I don’t even know why this excites me,” She laughed, shifting to stand back beside Asami. “It’s awesome, though!”

Asami chortled, nodding her head. “I helped design this thing, believe it or not.” She looked a bit bashful as she shrugged her shoulders. “Thanks for such a nice night out, Korra.”

Korra held out her hand. “Wanna shake on it?” Asami, for whatever reason, agreed. She took Korra’s hand and gave it a firm squeeze. “Ooh, you’ve got a nice handshake. Isn’t that part of business school? Learning the perfect handshake?”

Asami, for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, regarded Korra with curious eyes. “Funnily enough, it’s one of those unspoken rules. We never explicitly learn about it, but having a good handshake is paramount.” She let her eyes drop down to Korra’s mouth for a split second before she caught herself. “I’ll, uh, message you later?”

Korra stepped out of Asami’s space and rubbed the back of her neck. “Shouldn’t I be asking you to message me when you get home safe?”

Asami pulled her keys out and unlocked her car. “I dunno, haven’t done this in forever, remember?”

Korra grinned as Asami slipped into the driver’s seat. “Well… Message me when you get home, so I know you didn’t die.”

Asami snorted as she pulled her seatbelt on and closed the door. Just before she pulled out, she blew Korra a kiss and winked. Korra caught it dramatically and pretended to topple backwards, earning her a laugh before Asami drove off.

Asami was true to her word. Just as Korra walked in through the front door, her phone went off.

Asami [10:07pm]:
Home. I really did enjoy myself. Thanks for not ghosting me. x

Korra couldn’t stop smiling.

Korra [10:09pm]:
Pleasure was all mine. Glad you didn’t die. Is this the part where we confess our undying love and move in together?

She walked into the living room and flopped onto the couch beside Bolin.

He did a double take when he realised who had just announced their presence and jumped across the couch to get into her space. “How was it?! Did you kiss?!”

Korra shoved him away when he pressed his face into her shoulder and groaned. “We didn’t kiss. I did get a hug, though.”

“Ugh! Give me the details Korra! What was she like? Did you get all swoon-y when you saw her?”

“Ugh, Bo!” Korra whined, kicking off her shoes. “She’s super freaking attractive, of course I swooned a little when I saw her.” She kicked her feet up and rested them in Bolin’s lap. “I used those pick-up-lines I was practising. They worked a treat.”

“Did you do the sexy voice so she was completely blindsided?” Bolin rose his eyebrows and leaned over. “Like we practised?”

Korra laughed and nudged his hip with her foot. “Yeah, I did. She hugged me right after the heart one.” She let out a soft sigh. “She was… so easy to talk to. I don’t know what I was expecting, but… psh, she’s… a dream.”

“So… you gonna ask her out again?” Bolin probed, smirking.

“f*ck yeah I’m going to ask her out again,” She quipped, grinning. “How soon is too soon? Like, do I wait a week or something?”

“I wouldn’t wait,” Bolin said, poking her ankle. “Girls are weird. I’d just go with the flow.”

Go with the flow. Korra was good at that. “Where’s Mako?”

“He’s in bed. You wanna watch TV with me?”

“Sure. Want me to grab you a blanket and make some popcorn?”

“Ooh! Yes please!”

Korra jumped up off of the couch and wondered into the kitchen. Without really thinking about it, she pulled out her phone and cursed herself for getting so giddy when she saw Asami’s name.

Asami [10:11pm]:
I hereby declare my love to thou, mayhaps a hand in marriage, my dearest lady?

Asami [10:12pm]:
I tried lol

Korra [10:25pm]:
That was top notch. I’ll call the uhaul tomorrow x

Asami [10:27pm]:
I’ll make sure my bedsheets aren’t covered in cat hair for you.

Korra [10:29pm]:
We won’t need bedsheets ;)

Asami [10:31pm]:
Ugh, you run hot, don’t you?

Korra [10:33pm]:
I am like a little personal heater. You’ll like it if you run cold.

Asami [10:34pm]:
So you give the best cuddles?

Korra [10:35pm]:
Yup. I’ve been told I’m like a fun sized tiger-bear without the claws.

Asami [10:36pm]:
I will tuck that information away for later. I’m off to bed. Thanks again for such a great date x

Korra [10:37pm]:
No, thank you!! Night, Asami. Sweet dreams :) x

Korra plugged her phone on charge in the kitchen and walked back into the living room with a bowl of popcorn. She grabbed the throw blanket on the other couch and threw it over at Bolin. “Okay, what are we watching?”

Bolin wrapped himself up and moved to cuddle into her side when she sat down next to him. “There’s a cool documentary on polar-bear dogs.”

“f*ck yes!” She shoved a handful of popcorn in her mouth. “They’re my favourite!”

What a Wonderful Name - Chapter 1 - Victqria (2024)


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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Author information

Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.