Staff - Raisinville Elementary School (2024)

School Links

'; } else { tabTpl += ' '; } tabTpl += "

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\ '; banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerTitle\}/g, args.title); banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerContent\}/g, args.content); banner = banner.replace(/\{bannerCategory\}/g,; $('body').append(banner); var styles = args.banner.styles; $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{"background-color" : styles['background-color'], "transition": "all 0.3s linear", "width": "100vw", "z-index": "8999", "position" : "fixed"}); if(args.banner.location == "top") { $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{ "top" : "0px", "bottom" : "auto" }); } else { $('.SiteAlertBanner-'{ "bottom" : "0px", "top" : "auto" }); } $('.SiteAlertBanner-'' .banner-content').css({ "padding":"10px 20px"}); $('.SiteAlertBanner-'' .banner-title').css({ "color" : styles.title['color'], "font-size" : styles.title['size'], "text-align" : styles.title["justification"], "font-style" : styles.title["italic"] ? "italic" : "normal", "font-weight" : styles.title["bold"] ? "bold" : "normal", "text-decoration" : styles.title["underline"] ? 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"up" : "down"); //$('.SiteAlertBanner').show("drop", {"direction" : direction}, "fast"); $('.SiteAlertBanner-';} var siteNotice = false; function dropSiteNotice(){ new Ajax.Request('/supressMessages.cfm?supress=false'); Effect.BlindDown('siteNoticeBoxHolder', { duration: 0.5 }) $('pagerBarToolAlertButton').addClassName('buttonOn'); } function liftSiteNotice(){ new Ajax.Request('/supressMessages.cfm?supress=true'); Effect.BlindUp('siteNoticeBoxHolder', { duration: 0.25 }) $('pagerBarToolAlertButton').removeClassName('buttonOn'); } function toggleSiteNotice(){ if ($('pagerBarToolAlertButton').hasClassName('buttonOn')){ liftSiteNotice(); }else{ dropSiteNotice(); } } const clamp = (val, min, max) => Math.min(Math.max(val, min), max); var e=new Date; $.get("/ajax/notifications/getAlertMessage.cfm?json=1&school_id=""&gcdid="+currentPageGCDID+"&now="+e.format("Y-m-d H:i:s"),function(data){ //popups contains all of the popups popups = data; //Set the current Popups if(popups.count > 0) { var isPage = (currentPageAction == "page" && parseInt(currentPageDataID) != 0); var isPortal = (currentPageAction == "Portal" && parseInt(currentPortalID) != 0); var isModule = SystemModules.indexOf(currentPageAction) != -1; var hasAllPages = false; var hasAllPortals = false; var hasTopBanner = false; var hasBottomBanner = false; var fOrT = false; var hasGlobal = false; var hasDW = false; $.each(popups.popups, (index, popup) => { cs2.alerts.popup.allPopups[] = popup; //we only want the enabled popups that are in the correct time frame //if the popup is not in the date range, then continue. We only want current popups /* popup is current if: * (current timestamp is greater than popup start date AND current timestamp is less than popup end date) OR * current timestamp is greater than popup start date AND popup has no end date */ var noEndCond = (popup.end != "" || (popup.end === "" && Date(), popup.start, true) === 1)); if(!noEndCond) { return; } //betweenCond is true if today is between the start and end date var startBetween = Date(), popup.start, true) === 1; var endBetween = Date(), popup.end, true) === -1; var betweenCond = ((startBetween && popup.end === "") || (startBetween && endBetween)); if(!betweenCond) { return; } //also if the popup is a load or scroll and we're on the correct page if(popup.meta.type == "banner" && (!hasTopBanner || !hasBottomBanner) && ((popup.meta.banner.location == "top" && !hasTopBanner) || (popup.meta.banner.location == "bottom" && !hasBottomBanner)) && popup.meta.enabled) { //add a banner immediately if(popup.meta.banner.location == "top") { hasTopBanner = true; 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} }); $('#siteAlertModal .modal-transition-section').unbind("touchend").on("touchend", (up) => { swipeDistance = (mode == 1) ? up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageY - mousestart : (up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX - mousestart); //if we swipe more than the defined threshold, then perform a full swipe if(Math.abs(swipeDistance) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD) { //mode 1 is a swipe down from the modal-header if(mode == 1) { $('#siteAlertModal').trigger('unloadPopup'); } //mode 0 is a swipe left and right on the modal-body else if(mode == 0 && multiLoad && loadCount > 1) { if(mousestart < up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("prev"); } else if(mousestart > up.originalEvent.changedTouches[0].pageX) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("next"); } } } else { if(mode == 1) { $('#siteAlertModal').css({ "transform" : "translateY(0px)" }); } else { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide(; } } }); /* END Swipe Functionality - Mobile */ /* BEGIN Swipe Functionality - Desktop */ var mousestart; var swipeDistance; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').unbind("mousedown").on("mousedown", (ev) => { /* set the start of the event */ mousestart = ev.pageX; var tmpMouseX = mousestart; var translationBeforeAction = $(this).data("transition"); $(this).unbind("mouseup").on("mouseup", (up) => { swipeDistance = up.pageX - mousestart; //if we swipe more than the defined threshold, then perform a full swipe if(Math.abs(swipeDistance) > SWIPE_THRESHOLD) { if(mousestart < up.pageX && ( > 1)) { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("prev"); } else if(mousestart > up.pageX && ( < { cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("next"); } } }); }); /* END Swipe Functionality - Desktop*/ $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.popups, (index, popup) => { if(multiLoad) { popup.closed.state = "hide"; } switch(popup.trigger.mode) { case 'load':; popup.index =; if(multiLoad && > 1) { //many popups, load up the controls $('#siteAlertModal .prevPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .nextPopupBtn').show(); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination').show(); //add a pagination bubble var tmpPoint = $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination .popupPoint:first').clone(); tmpPoint.find("a:first").removeClass("active");"index","data-index",; tmpPoint.attr("onclick", "cs2.alerts.popup.current.pagination.slide("")"); $('#siteAlertModal .popupPagination .popupPaginationPoints').append(tmpPoint); //add the modal-dialog var tmpDialog = $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section .modal-dialog:first').clone();"index","data-index",; $('#siteAlertModal .modal-carousel .modal-transition-section').append(tmpDialog); } if(popup.trigger.sticky || $.cookie(popup.cookie.tag) != "1" || popup.trigger.districtwide) { //cookie does not exist - show the alert and set the cookie var delay = (popup.trigger.hasOwnProperty("delay") && popup.trigger.delay > 0) ? popup.trigger.delay : 1500; $(window).load(function() { setTimeout(function() { cs2.alerts.popup.current.LoadPopup(popup); }, delay); }); if(!popup.trigger.sticky || !popup.trigger.districtwide) { //popup.cookie.duration holds the number of minutes until the alert is received again. //need to convert to milliseconds and add those to the current datetime milliseconds //then back to a JSON Date Object var expiryDate = new Date(e.getTime() + popup.cookie.duration*60000); $.cookie(popup.cookie.tag, 1, { "expires" : expiryDate}) } } break; case 'mouseover': case 'click':; popup.index =; cs2.alerts.popup.current.ClickHoverPopup(popup); break; case 'scroll':; popup.index =; cs2.alerts.popup.current.ScrollPopup(popup); break; } }); } if(cs2.alerts.popup.current.banners.length > 0) { $.each(cs2.alerts.popup.current.banners, (index, banner) => { cs2.alerts.popup.current.Banner(banner); }); } } }); /* Setup Accessibility */ $(document).on("focusin", (foc) => { var focusedTarget =; if($(focusedTarget).parents("#siteAlertModal").length == 0) { $('#siteAlertModal').trigger("unloadPopup"); $(document).unbind("focusin"); } }); /* End Accessibility*/


Raisinville Elementary School


Volpi, AMy
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Hall, Abigayle
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Position: Behavior Specialist
Departments: Support Staff


Anteau, Alexa
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: ISD


Francis, Amanda
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Position: Behavior Specialist
Departments: Support Staff


Cooley, Amber
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Position: ISD
Departments: (None)


Pabin, Amy
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Schnell, Amy
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Kadrovach, April
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Ciacelli, Ashley
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


King, Ashley
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Welch, Bettina
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Brewer, Blaire
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Position: Assistant - Non Instructional
Departments: Assistant


Jones, Caitlin
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Lienemann, Caitlin
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Scherer, Carlee
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: (None)


Lynch, Carolyne
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: (None)


Estes, Charles
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Position: Custodian
Departments: (None)


Garling, Chelsea
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Position: Secretary
Departments: (None)


Iffland, Chelsea
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: ISD


Brown, Cynthia
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)


Kraemer, Dana
Send Email
Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: Assistant


Miller, Danielle
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Pocs, Darren
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Position: Restorative Practice Coordinator
Departments: Support Staff


Kimble, Dawn
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Wohlgamuth, Drake
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Position: Dean of Students
Departments: Support Staff


Hill, Elise
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: RES


Dec, Elizabeth
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Souva, Felicia
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: (None)


Love, Hayley
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)


Love, Hayley
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)


Cooke, Ian
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Norman, Jasmine
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Hutchison, Jason
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Sayles, Jennifer
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Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)


Ziegler, Jerred
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Nadeau, Jessica
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Position: Social Worker
Departments: ISD


Scheuer, Jordan
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Scheuer, Jordan
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Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Davis, Karen
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Position: Support Staff
Departments: RES


Bundon, Karly
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Assistant


Gilbert, Katelyn
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: Teacher


Skidmore-Baltrip, Kellie
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Davis, Kelly
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: RES


Sulfaro, Kendra
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Wessels, Kevin
Send Email
Position: Custodian
Departments: (None)


Taormina, Kim
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: Support Staff


Laverty, Leona
Send Email
Position: Health Liaison
Departments: Support Staff


Bonk, Lisa
Send Email
Position: Instructional Assistant
Departments: Assistant


Calabrese, Lisa
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: RES


Hammond, Lisa
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Henderson, Lisa
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Huisman, Lori
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Gramlich, Lynne
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


McCracken, Melissa
Send Email
Position: Secretary
Departments: Support Staff


Sims, Michele
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Geftos, Michelle Geftos
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Gulotta, Monica
Send Email
Position: Assistant - Non Instructional
Departments: Assistant


Miller, Naomi
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


McClain, Nina
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Ignagni, Olivia
Send Email
Position: Academic Tutor
Departments: Support Staff


McClain, Patricia
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Stefanski-Adkins, Patricia
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Miller, Peggy
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: RES


Wilson, Renae
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Buhl, Sara
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Position: Occupational Therapist
Departments: ISD


Slovik, Sarah
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Position: Student Services Provider / Social Worker
Departments: Support Staff


Hoppert, Scott
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Position: Principal
Departments: Administration


Dippman, Shawna
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: ISD


Goins, Stacey
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Bell, Stephanie
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Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Iacoangeli, Stephanie
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Cross, Teresa
Send Email
Position: Support Staff
Departments: Support Staff


Gratowski, Teresa
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Shepard, Tina
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: (None)


Wilson, Traci
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES


Ott, Trina
Send Email
Position: Teacher
Departments: RES

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Staff - Raisinville Elementary School (2024)


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Article information

Author: Jonah Leffler

Last Updated:

Views: 6511

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (65 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.